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FLTF Will Host Webinars For Property Owners Prior to Jan 15 Special Assessment Hearing


The FLTF will hold a public hearing on January 15, 2024 to renew the operations and maintenance assessment roll for 2025-2029 and will review the tax assessment which is tentatively set to begin in the winter of 2025.

Prior to this important hearing, the FLTF is providing information for owners of property in the Four Lakes Special Assessment District. A letter was sent to property owners explaining the process and how to register to attend. Below is an excerpt, the full letter can be found on the FLTF website.

Webinar – Dec. 6, 2023: FLTF will host an online informational webinar from 5 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 6.

• The webinar will provide details about the Preliminary Days of Review process that begins the following day as well as the computation of cost.

• To attend the webinar, register at

Preliminary Days of Review – Dec. 8 through Jan. 12 : Property owners can schedule a one-on-one online session with a project engineer.

• Sessions are available on Wednesday afternoons and Friday mornings from Dec. 8 through Jan. 12.

To sign up for a session, go to

• During the 15-minute session, property owners can ask about their parcel’s annual capital assessment cost. The sessions are not public hearings, but property owner input can lead to changes in the special assessment roll.

Public Hearing – Jan. 15

The hearing will take place at Beaverton Activity Center in two hearing sessions: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday, January 15, 2024.

At the conclusion of the two hearing sessions, the Four Lakes Board will vote on the roll.

• Topics will include renewal of the operations and maintenance assessment roll, review of the computation of cost for capital improvements to the four dams, review of the capital assessment roll, and objections to the cost computations.


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