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State Uncovers Evidence Boyce Knew of Safety Issues at Edenville Dam

In late May, the Department of Attorney General filed a motion for summary judgment on behalf of the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan as part of the State’s ongoing enforcement action against Boyce Hydro.

“This filing makes clear that Boyce Hydro knew of critical safety issues at the Edenville Dam but failed to take even the most cursory actions to fix the deficiencies or alert regulators to the problem,” said Aaron Keatley, EGLE acting director. “This fits with the company’s decades-long history of violations and antagonism toward federal and state regulators and illustrates the owners’ culpability in this catastrophic dam failure.”

Click here for the full story as reported in the State press release. The story was covered in state, regional and local news.

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